
19 October 2021

Introducing our new Head Girl at EIC

Introducing our new Head Girl at EIC

As part of a renewed emphasis on student voice here at the College, this year we elected our very own Student Leadership Team covering a range over areas including inequalities and extra-curricular activities. 

Head Boy and Head Girl form a very important part of this team and were elected by both students and staff at this end of last year.

Our elected Head Girl for this year is Eleanor in Year 13. Eleanor joined us at the start of her A-level course in Year 12 and has been a very welcome addition to the student body. We sat down with her and discussed her experience at EIC so far, what she has enjoyed and what changes she plans to make as part of this new role.

Why did you apply for Head Girl?

I applied for head girl because I want to help make the college community a better place and to help all the students feel included. I want to be a voice for the students. I want there to be good communication between teachers and students. I would also like all the students to get along well with each other.

What do you think is working well at the College at the moment?

I think that the college has a very good community atmosphere, and the teachers are all very approachable - this is vital for the running of a good college. I also think that the teachers are all very good at structuring their lessons and making the most of the time given.

What have you got planned over the year to improve the College?

I plan to help the leadership team in any way I can, I am involved in the drop-in sessions on a weekly basis if the students need advice on homework, school-life or just need someone to talk to. I am leading some assemblies, for example I am doing one on Black History Month soon.

So far, the Student Leadership Team have got off to a great start, organising food bank donations and a student drop-in room where students can access student facing support during lunch breaks.

We are looking forward to seeing what the rest of the year brings!

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