Opening Doors
To Their Futures
An Independent College in Ealing offering excellent academic support to 13 - 19 year olds. We have a proven track record of supporting and enabling students to achieve their full potential.

Welcome to Ealing Independent College

Ealing Independent College is an excellent environment for learning and personal growth, offering both GCSE and A Level courses. Supported by passionate and dedicated staff, the college ensures every student achieves their full potential, leaving with outstanding grades and university placements

Find out more

I have an unshakeable belief that every young person can achieve, no matter what barrier stands in their way.”
Allan Cairns, Principal


Helping students to reach their true potential.

Students who attend the College find teachers who really care about their progress, and who go above and beyond normal expectations to provide for them individually.

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A diverse, welcoming, supportive hub.


One to one connections with our team.

Students can choose their own pathway at the College. We are flexible, and students who find academic work to be challenging are able to join us and only study a limited number of GCSEs if they would like to focus their efforts on the core subjects.

College Life


News & Media

Rudy’s GCSE Success

Since joining us in 2022, Rudy achieved excellent GCSE results at Ealing Independent College. Read through his time at the college. 1) Describe your educational experiences before you came to EIC. When did you join – in what year group...

gcse retakes

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Student Induction Day 📚

As part of todays agenda, our students participated in Treasure Hunt style activities that helps them develop leadership and problem solving skills 👩🏼‍🔬👨🏻‍🏫

A great way for new students to get to know their peers 👋

#EalingIndependentCollege #studentinduction #leadership #firstdayofschool
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A-Level and GCSE Retakes

Apply now to start from September. Fill out our contact form or call 020 8579 6668 to schedule a meeting.