
19 April 2024

Ealing Independent College soars through Inspection

Ealing Independent College successfully completes Inspection

We are pleased to share the results of our latest ISI inspection with you.

In February 2024, The Independent Schools Inspectorate visited the college, to which they reviewed;

  • Standards relating to leadership and management, and governance 
  • Standards relating to the quality of education, training and recreation 
  • Standards relating to pupils’ physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing 
  • Standards relating to pupils’ social and economic education and contribution to society
  • Standards relating to safeguarding 

*all above standards were met.


Our college has been praised for a number of reasons;

Leaders know and understand pupils’ relative strengths and areas of challenge. They gather and employ data effectively, and consider success in relation to a number of different metrics based on the needs of individual pupils. Many pupils achieve well academically, including those who have SEND and those with lower prior attainment. Pupils go on to achieve places at a range of establishments, including highly selective universities. 


Pupils aspire to achieve high grades in examinations. They secure places at a range of providers, including highly selective universities.


Small classes facilitate tailored approaches to teaching, with individual support from teachers.


A nurturing approach inspires many pupils to achieve in their chosen course at levels beyond predictions


Monthly reporting provides pupils and parents with information on pupils’ progress and attainment, including detailed feedback so that pupils understand how to improve their work. Leaders use data effectively to inform their decisions on amendments to the curriculum and individual plans for pupils.


Teachers tailor lessons to take into account the needs of individual pupils. Staff effectively use detailed and thorough assessments and individual in-depth knowledge to support pupils to make good progress.


Rigorous academic standards and high expectations are consistent across all subjects. Pupils are encouraged to work to the best of their ability. They are proud of their achievements and take up opportunities to extend their learning. 


The ethos of the school fosters pupils’ appreciation of non-material aspects of life, including the importance of relationships and helping others.


Pupils demonstrate resilience and determination in their work and behaviour. They respond positively to the calm, flexible atmosphere in the school and all make good progress, with some obtaining offers at prestigious universities to study courses such as economics, dentistry, and computer science.


You can read the full inspection here.


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