News archive

Blog, News

  • 19


    Retaking GCSEs

    At Ealing, we have welcomed several students at the age of sixteen or seventeen who, for various reasons, have lost their way. Perhaps anxiety overw...

  • 17


    Your Options This September

    As we conclude the exams period, we want to congratulate all those who have completed their GCSE and A Levels exams. A student's next step in ed...

  • 03


    Monday Briefing 3rd June 2024: Fever

    Following Rishi Sunak’s calling of a General Election on the 22nd of May, whilst the nation is not quite yet in the grip of campaigning fever,...

  • 29


    Top University Offers Secured for Ealing

    We are delighted to announce the outstanding university offers our students received this year. Their hard work, dedication, and perseverance have b...

  • 23


    Why Ealing Independent College for GCSE and A Levels?

    How Ealing can support you through your GCSEs and A Levels Ealing Independent College helps students advance confidently through empowerment and sup...

  • 14


    Monday Briefing 13th May 2024: How High

    When are luxury goods not luxury goods? When they become a necessity. That is not in any way a joke, although the phrasing may have led you to b...

  • 07


    The Monday Briefing 6th May 2024: Jump

    “They need to address the funding for wider services. Special educational needs funding is a car crash and needs to be resolved. We need a str...

  • 29


    The Monday Briefing, 29th April: You'll See

    To study leave or not to study leave - that is the question. As we draw towards exam season, and anxiety levels amongst the student (and staff) bo...

  • 22


    Monday Briefing: Can't Stop

    I have always liked to use analogies, as far back as I remember. Not only does it help with the process of teaching by clarifying explanations of...

  • 19


    Ealing Independent College soars through Inspection

    We are pleased to share the results of our latest ISI inspection with you. In February 2024, The Independent Schools Inspectorate visited the coll...

  • 15


    The Monday Briefing: Easy Ride

    Over the Easter holidays, in my case, the hunter became the hunted. Having only a rudimentary approach to skiing - the main activity on our family...

  • 25


    The Monday Briefing 25th March 2024: Keep it Together

    The importance of spaced learning and retrieval practice.

  • 18


    The Monday Briefing: Guilty by Association

    ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ (African proverb) Empowering Inclusive Community - the three word ethos of Ealing Independent College. By the ti...

  • 11


    Monday Briefing 11 March 2024: Sooner or Later

    I had the wonderful privilege on Friday of listening to an excellently engaging presentation by Laura Knight at the ISA London North AGM. Laura’s vita...

  • 04


    The Monday Briefing: Don't You Know

    With our final set of mocks at the College now just two weeks away, a focused period of revision is absolutely critical for students in order to help ...

  • 04


    Lesson Swap

    This week at Ealing College we did a Lesson Swap exercise. The focus is on questioning to empower students to take ownership in lessons and ask questi...

  • 28


    Amazing Biology Presentation: Nourulhuda Mohammad

    "Ever heard of the endoplasmic reticulum? Yeah, it sounds kinda complex, but stick with me, and you'll see it's not as complicated as it seems."

  • 26


    Monday Briefing 26th February 2024: Don't Stop

    During my marathon training it occurred to me later in the day that the passage which I had gone through during my run was a similar journey to many o...

  • 19


    The Monday Briefing: American Life

    Prior to half term, I had the huge pleasure of taking six students over to Boston in the United States for a Model UN trip at the prestigious Massachu...

  • 05


    Monday Briefing: Time Stood Still

    On Friday, we hit the 100 day warning. 100 days to go until the commencement of the Summer Exams Series. Three figures, in days, still seem like a lon...

  • 29


    The Monday Briefing: Borderline

    This week has been quite an interesting one in terms of boundary testing on the part of students.

  • 22


    The Monday Briefing: Frozen

    This week has featured several meetings, gatherings and get togethers, all based around one theme: the importance of community.

  • 15


    The Monday Briefing: Sanctuary

    “Redundancies. Lack of funding. A pandemic. All have contributed to a huge rise in children missing from class.” So began an article i...

  • 08


    The Monday Briefing: She's Not Me

    “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln Back in 2019, when it b...

  • 14


    Parth's Interview: Teaching Physics at EIC

    With a focus on personalised learning and tailored support, our programs empower students to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential. Parth ...

  • 11


    The Monday Briefing: Future

    The last week of term at the College is always taken up with mock exams, ensuring that students are kept honest, right up until the very last possib...

  • 04


    The Monday Briefing: Incredible

    In many ways, he encapsulates the incredible power of setting oneself challenging goals, seemingly beyond the realms of possibility, and striving, thr...

  • 01


    Scholarship Competition: Roland's Interview

    “It was extremely quick and easy with my parents filling out a form online. I then came into the school a few weeks later and sat a quick test no long...

  • 27


    The Monday Briefing: Pretender

    Confidence is something which can be hard won, and easily lost. It can be elusive at times, abundant in others. I’ve become better at harnessing it wh...

  • 23


    Sophie's Blog: Talking to students

    “I love teaching and the thing I enjoy the most is the interesting discussions with students I have in the different subjects I teach"

  • 20


    The Monday Briefing: Your Honesty

    The appraisal, dependent on sophisticated self-reflection and their adoption of an honest approach, takes place over three distinct stages: analysis o...

  • 13


    The Monday Briefing: Promise to try

    I like to think that this is because of the encouraging, empowering nature of the environment they walk into: where staff seek to locate the best way ...

  • 10


    Head of Mathematics: Adrian's Story

    “The future of the college is a strong one. With such a stable teaching cohort, we are coming to the position of fine-tuning our craft to such a level...

  • 06


    The Monday Briefing: Sidewalk Talk

    Back in 2018, I received an email from Bellevue’s Marketing Director, enlightening me of what seemed a wonderful opportunity - an invitation t...

  • 30


    The Monday Briefing: Holiday

    I had somewhat of an epiphany on holiday as I saw children acting just like their parents, following their examples - whether for good or bad. For my ...

  • 20


    Geoff's Blog: Working 21 years at the college

    Geoff recalls hardships at college from previous years but highlights the turning points for him, "the quality of the students and everything is organ...

  • 16


    The Monday Briefing: Cherish

    The tumultuous events of the last week in the Middle East have brought a great deal into perspective for me. My mother-in-law disclosed something whic...

  • 09


    The Monday Briefing: Get Together

    Prior to the meeting, I had looked through the constitution of the populace of the College. In terms of gender, our student population (60 boys and 56...

  • 02


    The Monday Briefing: Just a Dream

    "...And now we come to the solution - the construction of a garden room, providing the breathing space for the College to live comfortably with its ca...

  • 29


    Ealing Independent College Teacher Interview: Debora

    “I think the students at EIC have a lot more freedom to express their identity and they have a lot more freedom to choose their subjects"

  • 25


    The Monday Briefing: Inside of Me

    I’ve become more convinced than ever that one must continue to challenge oneself, and really test the substance of what is inside, otherwise life can...

  • 22


    Laura's Interview: Pastoral care at EIC

    “I am proud of the fact that the number of students with an EHCP has grown throughout my time here, and that many local authorities in London now look...

  • 18


    The Monday Briefing: Love on the Run

    In a sporting sense, the College, with no green fields or indoor courts, may not appear to have much to offer, but that would be a mistaken assumption...

  • 15


    My first week at the college - Jehad

    Having worked in various educational institutions before, I can confidently say that EIC distinguishes itself in many ways but most importantly, the s...

  • 11


    The Monday Briefing: Into the Groove

    I’ve often told students that Ealing is a College which runs on trust. Students have such freedoms here - a less rigid approach to rules and regulatio...

  • 24


    Principal's Response to GCSE Results 2023

    “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving ...

  • 17


    A-Level Results Day 2023 - Principal's Response

    This year, nationally, we’ve experienced the biggest drop in results ever, as the effort to move beyond the grade inflation of the Covid years reaches...

  • 16


    Our Student Reflections Part 2

    Looking ahead to results day, my anticipation is a mix of excitement and determination.

  • 15


    Our Student Reflections

    “Straight away I felt an immediate change, the teachers seemed to care and everyone was much closer like a community, the standard of teaching was muc...

  • 10


    GCSE Retake Success - Evan's Journey

    Ealing Independent College has a great deal of experience in enacting ‘the turnaround’ for students. Many students come to us having ...

  • 09


    A Level Resits - Michelle's Journey

    “If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick those pieces up and start again.” Flavia Weedn A L...

  • 08


    Thinking of Resitting your GCSEs? Riyal's Journey

    The number of students resitting their GCSEs, over the last few years, has grown exponentially at Ealing Independent College. Traditionally, the ...

  • 01


    Retaking A Levels Privately - Hamze’s Journey 

    “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” Maya Angelou In the last article s...

  • 01


    Is it worth retaking A Levels? Sebastian's Journey

    Albert Einstein once said that insanity could be defined by doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So picture t...

  • 13


    What to do if I fail my A-Levels

    So your grades are not what you were hoping for? It’s okay, Ealing are here to support you.

  • 05


    What happens if you fail your GCSEs

    Ealing Independent College provides the perfect environment for students who have struggled to fulfil their potential at GCSE level.

  • 26


    The Monday Briefing: Escape from the Swamp

    I know staff are content, motivated and committed to the College, but I always feel it vitally important to identify, through consultation, their view...

  • 19


    The Monday Briefing: My Life has been Saved

    Sometimes, transformation takes time. Time and ceaseless effort on behalf of those trying to evoke change. Strategies being exhausted, tried again and...

  • 12


    The Monday Briefing: Coming Soon

    Of course, this ‘game’ of predictions and planning for possible futures is both difficult to ‘win’ and difficult to gain credit for ‘winning’. We ofte...

  • 05


    The Monday Briefing: More of That Jazz

    The sort of leadership which empowers others to make an impact, at all levels - which nurtures that desire, supports it, guides and advises it, and ce...

  • 22


    Monday Briefing: Seaside Rendezvous

    Throughout my career, I’ve attended a number of continuing professional development conferences and gatherings, with varying success. Some have been i...

  • 15


    The Monday Briefing: Good Company

    The College is in a strong position at present, close to capacity, but moving to expand possible numbers so that demand for places can be satisfied.

  • 09


    Monday Briefing 9th May 2023: Back chat

    Ealing Independent College is in a privileged position to be part of Bellevue Education. Firstly, crucial support is in place in terms of governance f...

  • 02


    The Monday Briefing: Dog With a Bone

    When parents come with their children for interviews at the College, a common theme they discuss when explaining why they are considering coming to EI...

  • 24


    The Monday Briefing: Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon

    I had the privilege yesterday of being in attendance for one of the most remarkable London Marathons in recent memory.  It will go down in history for...

  • 17


    The Monday Briefing: Battle Theme

    It’s very rare for me to be working on a Saturday. That day of the week is usually sacrosanct in terms of being a day of rest. A day for me and the fa...

  • 27


    The Monday Briefing: In Only Seven Days

    I’ve noticed a remarkable change within some students in the College this week. With mock exams commencing on Thursday, students have truly embarked u...

  • 20


    The Monday Briefing: Goin' Back

    A question I’m often asked by students around this time of year is: ‘how should I revise?’ The answer to this query is never an easy one, as students ...

  • 13


    The Monday Briefing: The Invisible Man

    Moral fibre: The capacity to do what is right, no matter the circumstance. A person with moral fibre does not do things to intentionally harm others, ...

  • 07


    Y12 Conference - Exploring post A Level options

    Possible routes to become a solicitor, a day in the life of an Oxford University student, and degree apprenticeships were some of the topics of the an...

  • 06


    The Monday Briefing: Drowse

    Last week, the blog focused on the first of a series of comment pieces aimed at providing useful advice for the maximisation of preparedness for the e...

  • 27


    The Monday Briefing: Action This Day

    The first assembly back after a half-term holiday is always an important one for me, and I insist on delivering it to each of our year groups. It pres...

  • 22


    Model UN - Our trip to Boston

    The weekend before half term was one of the most eventful ones for some of our Sixth Formers: Five EIC adventurers flew across the world for a three d...

  • 20


    The Monday Briefing: Leaving Home Ain't Easy

    Since the start of my teaching career, I’ve always valued the educational benefits of school trips and excursions. Such a notion has only become more ...

  • 06


    The Monday Briefing: Fun It

    I always remember the brief when I was invited to interview for the position of Head of History at Waddesdon C of E School. I was given a mixed abilit...

  • 30


    The Monday Briefing: Under Pressure

    Part of the role of any teacher is constant interaction with students on a daily basis. Through each interaction, one gets to know the young people in...

  • 25


    Foodbank Collection - An EIC tradition

    Then, either just before the Christmas holidays or after, the donations get brought to the Ealing Foodbank, or to local shops that support various cha...

  • 23


    The Monday Briefing: No Violins

    I’ve enjoyed four very interesting meetings over the last week or so, each of which being with either a student of the past, or a future student at th...

  • 16


    The Monday Briefing: Dear Friends

    Not only do the reports detail each and every minutiae in terms of student performance with regards to the important factors required for growth at th...

  • 09


    The Monday Briefing: Another One Bites the Dust

    I took a great deal of pleasure in welcoming students back to the College this week, and what better way to do so than a first day assembly? I always ...

  • 12


    The Monday Briefing: Thank God it's Christmas

    As we enter the last week of term, it’s only starting to dawn on me just how momentous the journey has been for the College over the last few months. ...

  • 08


    Inaugural Bellevue Debating Competition

    On Thursday, the first-ever Bellevue Seniors Debating Competition was held at Ealing Independent College, featuring six teams from the host school, Fa...

  • 06


    Scholarship Competition 2023: Tips from our Previous Winner

    Ealing Independent College is excited to announce that the applications for the Scholarship Competition 2023 are now open, and can be submitted here.

  • 05


    The Monday Briefing: Heaven for Everyone

    With one of the key parts of my remit being the management of behaviour at the College, I work very hard to ensure that standards are maintained. The ...

  • 28


    The Monday Briefing: Fight From the Inside

    It’s a long term approach, and one in regards to which we must show patience. The hope is that the penny will drop for our students - it may take a lo...

  • 25


    Visiting the London School of Economics: Y13 trip

    Patrick, our Business and Economics teacher, had come across a book called “If you are so ethical, why are you so highly paid?” by Alexander (Sandy) P...

  • 21


    The Monday Briefing: A Human Body

    I recall very fondly my time as a Head of History at Waddesdon C of E School from 2008-2012. It was during that role, I’m sure, that I made most progr...

  • 14


    The Monday Briefing: It's Late

    It’s perfectly normal behaviour for children to test the boundaries and push the limits.  The most important response for a parent, or teacher, who ha...

  • 07


    The Monday Briefing: I Want It All

    With Guy Fawkes Night done, and the excruciating media-fuelled run up to Christmas now underway, it’s time to ensure that a simple message is understo...

  • 31


    The Monday Briefing: Feelings Feelings

    As I was contemplating the many facets of my role over the half term week, I happened upon a couple of articles which drew immediate interest. One, en...

  • 18


    Oh My Sallow Tree

    “Oh my Sallow Tree” is the title of the poem that won the National Poetry Day Competition - for the category of Key Stage 4 and 5 - launched by Bellev...

  • 17


    The Monday Briefing: Breakthru

    I was incredibly proud to be asked to give a presentation to my colleagues at the Bellevue Education Heads Forum on Tuesday, with the focus of the day...

  • 10


    The Monday Briefing: Gimme the Prize

    Earlier in the summer, I received a few emails which were sent to make me aware that the deadline for nominating ourselves for the ISA Awards was clos...

  • 04


    The Monday Briefing: A Kind of Magic

    I had a conversation last week with Laura, the Vice Principal, about our assessment regime, Months Marks, at the College. Not normally one to fall ove...

  • 26


    The Monday Briefing: Bicycle Race

    One of the best things about being Principal of a small school is the ability to truly get to know all of the students in your care. 

  • 20


    The Monday Briefing: One Vision

    It has been a pleasure to welcome the students, both new and returning, to the College in the last fortnight, and to see such an atmosphere of excitem...

  • 12


    The Monday Briefing: God Save the Queen

    "There are decades when nothing happens; and there are weeks when decades happen" So wrote Vladimir Lenin, when he was living in exile before the Russ...

  • 05


    The Monday Briefing: Hang On In There

    If ever I needed a reminder of why I do what I do - and I very rarely do to reinforce why I enjoy the role so much - it came on Friday. Having only ju...

  • 30


    The Monday Briefing: Was It All Worth It

    It’s around this time of year, following the A Level and GCSE results, when everyone involved - staff, students and parents - should collectively ask ...

  • 25


    GCSE Results - The Future Looks Bright

    Following on from the successes of A Level results last week, GCSE students at Ealing Independent College showed their resilience, commitment and dete...

  • 22


    The Monday Briefing: Play the Game

    Thursday - A Level results day - brought with it the usual rollercoaster of emotions.  The majority of our students came with trepidation and left wit...

  • 18


    A Level Results 2022 - A Return to Normality

    Ealing Independent College 2022 A Level Results - Closer to Normality After the disruption of COVID on students and teachers alike, how have our stude...

  • 15


    The Monday Briefing: Don't stop me now

    So began the very first Monday Briefing, written on the 24th August 2020 and entitled ‘A Day in The Life (of a Principal)’ in the aftermath of the cal...

  • 08


    Options Open - GCSE Retakes

    In the article last week, we explored the extensive powers of the College in turning lives around. This week, the theme is extended to GCSEs.  At Eali...

  • 01


    Options Open - Improving grades at A Level

    If I was asked where the College is truly at its best, where it most obviously makes a positive contribution, my answer would be a relatively straight...

  • 25


    Options Open - Careers in Medicine, Dentistry and Vet Science

    For those students who are interested in studying Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science, the hard work must start long before the UCAS deadline f...

  • 18


    Options Open - A change could do you good

    Making a change part way through A Levels should probably be considered as one of the hardest changes which a student can make. It takes bravery, cour...

  • 11


    Options Open - Being flexible, but sticking to our principles

    There are several perks for our staff as part of a small college: the smaller class sizes enable more targeted teaching; more time per pupil can be sp...

  • 04


    Options Open - Moving straight into work after A Levels

    Sometimes it can feel like young people are on a conveyor belt, with an inevitable progression from secondary school to university and then to a gradu...

  • 27


    Options Open - The International Experience

    Over the summer break, the College will be showcasing further the options available at Ealing. This will be the first in a series of articles, named ‘...

  • 21


    Teacher Tuesday: Allan

    For the last “Teacher Tuesday” of the Academic year, we present a special edition piece, as today we're joined by Allan Cairns, Ealing Independent Col...

  • 20


    The Monday Briefing: Get it Together

    How do we ensure that we consolidate all of the exceptional work which we do here? How do we find ways to improve things further?

  • 15


    Re-sitting GCSE exams: Tania's Story

    How often do we hear about students not being happy with their GCSE results? How often are they prevented from following the academic path they dream ...

  • 15


    Teacher Tuesday: Laura

    Numerous students see her as their “rock” or point of reference at the College, she is always available and happy to help, and she is not only the Vic...

  • 13


    The Monday Briefing: Show You the Way to Go

    Coming into the last two weeks of term at the College, it would be rather easy to fall into a mindset where one watches the clock: the seconds ticking...

  • 08


    Moving from a Foreign Country and Thriving at EIC: Aditya's Story

    Having moved from Singapore to London just over a month ago, Aditya has already made Ealing Independent College tremendously proud of his exceptional ...

  • 07


    Teacher Tuesday: Adrian

    Have you ever heard of the saying “You never stop learning”? Or the phrase “lifelong learning”? They both refer to the fact that everyone's journey th...

  • 06


    The Monday Briefing: I'll be There

    Thinking back over every big decision I’ve taken, I’ve always taken advice over whether colleagues whose opinions I respected felt that I was making a...

  • 25


    Young Editors: Aavani and Noor

    The fifth edition of “EIC Distinct” Magazine is nearly ready to be released.   Although both are very busy with their GCSE exams, Aavani and Noor, the...

  • 24


    Teacher Tuesday: Kashif

    Today’s “Teacher Tuesday” guest has two great passions, which he calls “the two Cs”: Chemistry and Cricket. Meet Kashif, our Head of Chemistry, who si...

  • 23


    The Monday Briefing: Looking Through the Windows

    “It takes a village to raise a child'' is a proverb which was mentioned to me at the conference, and more emphasis, through the work of Tooled Up Educ...

  • 18


    GCSE Exams: "Let's showcase what we have learnt"

    Exams, real exams, are back! It’s time for our students to demonstrate that, after their hard work, they can get those top grades they aimed for, even...

  • 17


    Teacher Tuesday: Omar

    Calling all Science Lovers. Spoiler: this article contains several fascinating details about our Science classes.  Our Teacher Tuesday guest today is ...

  • 16


    The Monday Briefing: One Day in your Life

    I was extremely fortunate last week to have been present at the first Independent Schools Association Annual Conference since 2019. The setting of the...

  • 13


    College Catch Up - May 13th - "Notte Prima Degli Esami"

    Exams approaching, lessons learned for our football team after their latest match, a “goodbye Pizza-Party” with the Y11s, a fun interview with James a...

  • 11


    When Politics becomes a way to improve the local community: Avesta's story

    Breaking records as the youngest ever Labour party candidate, youngest candidate in London, and second youngest candidate in UK political history, Ave...

  • 10


    Teacher Tuesday: James

    Head of Geography and Psychology, James Garside has been a steadfastly reliable member of the EIC teaching staff for the last four years.  His friendl...

  • 09


    Pastoral Blog: the snowflake generation?

    It has now become a lazy shortcut to describe today’s young people in less than flattering terms. The term “snowflake generation” has now entered the ...

  • 09


    The Monday Briefing: Girl You're so Together

    What is the principle characteristic that I want students to leave the College with? It’s not the ability to solve complex equations in Mathematics, o...

  • 04


    Y12 Conference: Opportunities to shape the future

    Suited and booted, the entirety of our Y12 students travelled to Farlintgon School on Friday to attend a conference focused on career advice, Universi...

  • 03


    The Monday Briefing: Unbreakable

    With the exams returning this year, and the knock-on effects under scrutiny, there can be no doubt that the first set of summer national assessments i...

  • 03


    Teacher Tuesday: Maria

    After the long Bank Holiday weekend, we come back with a special edition of our “Teacher Tuesday” blog. Our guest today is not a teacher, but an incre...

  • 29


    College Catch Up - April 29th - A week of success stories

    Whoever has read our blog articles this week might have noticed a pattern in them: we've celebrated and promoted a lot of success stories. The start o...

  • 27


    Getting ready for exams and University: our interview with Muge

    As the Summer Term starts, the end-of-year exams get closer for our Y11 and Y13 students. We interviewed one of our Y13 students, Muge, to find out ho...

  • 26


    Teacher Tuesday: Parth

    Carving 3D models, coding, travelling, photography, and printmaking are only some of his hobbies. He is the youngest member of the EIC faculty, our He...

  • 25


    The Monday Briefing: Give (Your phone) in to me

    A few months ago, Education Minister Nadhim Zahawi rode back on a pledge by his predecessor, Gavin Williamson, to completely outlaw phones in schools....

  • 22


    Pastoral Blog: Inclusivity in school trips

    As a fully inclusive college, around one quarter of our students have ECHP’s. Many of our students are neurodiverse, and one of our most important goa...

  • 30


    Becoming part of the EIC Community and developing confidence: Mia's story

    The highly rewarding feeling of watching a student blossom only after a couple of months they have joined the College goes beyond description. This is...

  • 29


    Teacher Tuesday: Catherine

    Welcome back to Teacher Tuesday!  This week we present you with what we could call a “Special Edition”, where it’s not a teacher to be interviewed, bu...

  • 28


    The Monday Briefing: All I Do Is Think Of You

    There are times during the life of a Principal or Headteacher where the role can become something of an obsession.  This state of affairs usually mani...

  • 25


    College Catch up, March 25th - Football, sun, and exams

    With the return of the sun and warm weather, Mock exams also return for EIC students. They started on Thursday 24th of March, and will continue throug...

  • 23


    Ealing ride their luck to sneak win on Covid return

    A pleasant evening, and the excellent facilities of Club Des Sports in Acton set the scene for an entertaining match between MPW in red and Ealing, pl...

  • 23


    Judging a Debating Competition: our interview with Sisi

    Ties and suits on, a group of nine Y12 students left the College at 7.45am last Wednesday to visit Oratory PrepSchool, in Reading, where they were inv...

  • 22


    Teacher Tuesday: Patrick

    Teacher Tuesday this week hosts Patrick, Economics and Business Studies Teacher, as well as Exams Officer at Ealing Independent College.  The conversa...

  • 21


    The Monday Briefing: Big Boy

    During the last week, I had the immense pleasure of accompanying a group of our Year 12 students to Bellevue Education's inaugural Debating competitio...

  • 18


    Pastoral Blog: Is University the Only Option?

    For many people, university is absolutely the right choice. However, is university the only route to achieving these goals? In these days of spiraling...

  • 16


    Career Opportunities: Miles tells us about "Future Ready"

    On the second of March this year, our Y13 students were invited to attend a conference called “Future Ready” focused on the opportunities and career p...

  • 15


    Teacher Tuesday: Sophie

    After interviewing two staff members who have been part of the Ealing College Community for a long period of time, it’s time to speak with a “newbie” ...

  • 14


    The Monday Briefing: Childhood

    My assembly, entitled ‘Community’, I feel, broadcasted that message loud and clear - that which the College stands for most: a shared set of ambitions...

  • 11


    College Catch Up - March 11 - Return of the "EIC Azoomni" Podcast and more

    This week we also have some other exciting news to share: after a short break, we welcomed back the “EIC Azoomni” Podcast with Season Three, Episode 1...

  • 09


    EIC Football Team is back!

    Over the past couple of years, the various lockdowns we have been through have stopped our football team from playing against other Colleges and Indep...

  • 08


    Teacher Tuesday: Geoff

    A unique blend of a lifelong passion for an exact science and a new love for the Arts: introducing Geoff, one of Ealing Independent College’s dedicate...

  • 07


    The Monday Briefing: Goin' Places

    Often, during interviews for places at the College, parents emphasise their desire for their son or daughter to become a doctor. The chances of actual...

  • 04


    Website news: hearing students' voices and keeping parents informed

    At Ealing Independent College, we take pride in being a student-lead environment, where the small class sizes allow us to better understand how to eff...

  • 02


    Lara's Success Story: Her Offer for Medical School

    Lara’s face showed pride mixed with gratitude when she came to the School’s Office and timidly said: “I’ve been accepted into Medical School!” She had...

  • 01


    Teacher Tuesday: Guillermo

    Introducing Teacher Tuesday!   From now until the end of the academic year, we will focus on a different member of staff to discover more about their ...

  • 28


    The Monday Briefing: We're nearly there

    Whilst the staff consultation was ongoing, we simultaneously ran our parent survey in order to provide further input - to help us answer the questions...

  • 25


    Pastoral Blog: Student Council Update

    Since joining EIC in September 2020, I have been very impressed by the quality of student leadership here. Despite being a small college, there are ma...

  • 23


    Improving Leadership and Teamwork Skills: A trip to Navrtar

    After the conclusion of lessons tomorrow, on Thursday 24th of February, a group of students from EIC will have the extraordinary opportunity to immers...

  • 21


    The Monday Briefing: What More Can I Give?

    Half term in February is always a good time for reflection: it feels like half way through the year (though it is slightly beyond the midway point) an...

  • 07


    The Monday Briefing: Say Say Say

    Students rarely fail when the ‘triangle of success’ is in place: fully engaged parents who support their sons or daughters through conversations at th...

  • 31


    The Monday Briefing: Maybe Tomorrow

    Much of the time in my day job is used in an effort to inspire students that they need similar ambitions and goals in their lives, particularly in the...

  • 28


    Pastoral Blog: Focus on ADHD

    In a previous blog post, I focused on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as this is a common condition amongst our students. I am now going to focus on...

  • 26


    New Year Resolution: Supporting Small Businesses

    Have you committed to a New Year Resolution in 2022?  Ealing Independent College has.  Just before the Christmas holidays, we wanted to find an innova...

  • 24


    The Monday Briefing: Bad

    Ealing Independent College is a fair deal more libertarian than many others: the lack of a set uniform; dialogue between staff and students on first n...

  • 17


    The Monday Briefing: Get it

    If teachers were asked in a survey why they considered a career in the profession, or what maintains their motivation to return to work every day, I’m...

  • 10


    The Monday Briefing: Just a little bit of you

    When I assumed the position of Principal at the College, I immediately tried to instill as part of the organisation of the calendar of the institution...

  • 07


    Pastoral Blog: The School Uniform Debate

    One of the things which strikes potential parents, students and employees when they visit EIC is that we have no uniform. Our youngest students are in...

  • 13


    Student Voice: Celebrating success

    Year 12 student Theo was presented with his ‘Highly Commended’ award in the Whitbread Memorial Prize this week.  Part of an elite group of 28 students...

  • 13


    The Monday Briefing: ABC

    “Grades are so much a part of the educational landscape that it’s hard to imagine what schools would be like without them.” So begins a thought provok...

  • 06


    The Monday Briefing: Breaking News

    An interesting recent article in Independent Education Today, entitled ‘Parents want more personalised information from schools’ shed a great deal of ...

  • 03


    Pastoral Blog: Lifelong Learning

    In one of my first blog posts last year, I posted about beginning the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination (NASENCO) course. Thi...

  • 30


    The Monday Briefing: (Not) Workin' Day and Night

    Last week, I came across a tremendous tweet by Tom Sherrington regarding distributed leadership in Schools. It stated, in a simple and forthright mann...

  • 22


    The Monday Briefing: Human Nature

    Over the past few weeks, I’ve spent a great deal of time looking to identify the characteristics which set our very best current students apart from t...

  • 15


    The Monday Briefing: Forever Came Today

    An article which I recently read pointed out that the ‘The Growing gap between state school and public spending’, articulating that the deficit in spe...

  • 08


    The Monday Briefing: Stranger in Montreux

    I was incredibly privileged over the last week to have been part of a governance team sent to review the processes and practices of a fellow Bellevue ...

  • 05


    Pastoral Blog: Supporting Social Skills

    Although people may differ in the degree of social contact that they personally desire, making meaningful connections with others is a basic human nee...

  • 01


    The Monday Briefing: Butterflies

    During the summer term, the College underwent a review of the last academic year. This entailed an audit of how far we had satisfied our three priorit...

  • 19


    Introducing our new Head Girl at EIC

    As part of a renewed emphasis on student voice here at the College, this year we elected our very own Student Leadership Team covering a range over ar...

  • 18


    The Monday Briefing: Scream

    Last week, I was watching an episode of The Overlap Extra, a football based talk show hosted by Gary Neville. In this particular episode he posed fell...

  • 11


    The Monday Briefing: Heal the World

    Last week, I was fortunate enough, in my capacity as Vice Chair of ISA London North, to attend, and, during the latter part of the day, host the first...

  • 04


    The Monday Briefing: Smile

    There are many ways in which schools and colleges can measure success. Instinctively, those seeking to immediately improve their knowledge might turn ...

  • 01


    The Importance of Food Banks

    Our Student Council has just launched their first initiative for this academic year. They have generously decided that they would like to collect food...

  • 27


    The Monday Briefing: The Man in the Mirror

    When I was in primary school, we used to carry out a weekly spelling test. I’m not sure why I remember a particular test so well, but one week I missp...

  • 20


    The Monday Briefing: Beat It

    Yesterday, when I was around halfway through completing a rather hilly 10k in the Chilterns, I started asking myself whether the steep incline I was t...

  • 13


    The Monday Briefing: Don't stop 'til you get enough

    In the range of interviews which I had with new students this summer, I was always very keen to emphasise the importance of having the right mentality...

  • 10


    Introducing the Student Leadership Team

    At EIC, we really believe in the importance of the student voice. Last year we developed our Student Council so that it became a real force for chang...

  • 06


    The Monday Briefing: Another part of me

    I’m sure there comes a time for every Principal where the school or college in which they lead feels ‘theirs’. That feeling, an excellent one incident...

  • 31


    The Monday Briefing: Break of Dawn

    Last week, I attended a Heads’ Induction and Refresher meeting at the new Bellevue headquarters in central London. A wide range of aspects were discus...

  • 16


    The Monday Briefing: Wanna be startin' somethin'

    A few months back, I wrote a blog in praise of Brentford FC, and their deservedly gaining of promotion to the Premier League. Entitled ‘Can’t buy me l...

  • 10


    The Monday Briefing: Remember the time

    With examination grades having been determined in such a unique manner this year, and stories in the broadsheet media circulating already of grade inf...

  • 10


    A-level Results Day 2021: My experience at EIC

    The years that I have been enrolled at Ealing Independent College have been nothing short of great. After coming off the back of the worst schooling e...

  • 29


    The Monday Briefing: The End

    Following our final assembly on Friday, where I distributed a range of well-deserved prizes to the students for Academic Excellence, Improvement, Cond...

  • 24


    EIC Activities Week: Year 9 & 10

    Our Year 9 and Year 10 students were lucky enough to enjoy a jam-packed activities week to celebrate making to the end of what has been a difficult ye...

  • 23


    Student Voice: Thank you EIC

    When I moved to London, I felt as though I was thrown into the deep end. With only 7 months to complete my GCSE’s and a completely new curriculum, my ...

  • 21


    The Monday Briefing: Day Tripper

    The last week of term at Ealing Independent College brings two foci, both incredibly important and both fitting ways to bring the academic year to an ...

  • 18


    The Monday Briefing: I'm so tired...(but)...I Feel Fine

    This edition of the Monday Briefing should probably start with an apology, given the fact that it hasn’t emerged until Friday, but there are times in ...

  • 11


    Pastoral Blog: An inclusive approach to physical activity in schools

    The positive effects of physical activity for children and young people are well documented, with exercise boosting not only physical health, but also...

  • 08


    EIC Virtual Art & Photography Exhibition

    'I am extremely proud to present a selection of the brilliant photographic and artistic work of three very different but high potential students who h...

  • 07


    The Monday Briefing: Fixing a Hole

    ‘The Head has overall responsibility for the running of the School including its marketing, the appointment, management and dismissal of staff, busine...

  • 01


    The Monday Briefing: Can't Buy Me Love

    My home town of Brentford was quite the place to be on Saturday of last week, with residents enjoying a carnival atmosphere. There was a palpable sens...

  • 21


    The Monday Briefing: Don't ever change (Goodbye Year 13)

    With Year 13s about to embark on study leave and with their final assessments looming, crucial in helping to determine their final Teacher Assessed Gr...

  • 19


    Social Development for Students: NCS

    In assemblies today, both Year 11 and Year 12 were lucky to enough have a presentation from the team at NCS, to share more information about their s...

  • 17


    The Monday Briefing: Searchin'

    “The other important way of looking at this is that output was surprisingly robust in the first three months of the year - since much of the so-called...

  • 14


    Pastoral Blog: Sharing experience through governance

    In Allan’s blog this week, he explained the value of collaboration through Bellevue and ISA. In this post, I wanted to explain another way that teach...

  • 11


    The Monday Briefing: All Together Now

    Earlier this year, I put myself forward for a voluntary post as Vice Chair within the London North Committee of the Independent Schools Association. E...

  • 05


    Pastoral Blog: Learning from April Assessments

    In one of his recent blogs, our Principal, Allan, explained the rationale behind our decision to assess our Year 11 and Year 13 students twice in orde...

  • 04


    The Monday Briefing: Not a second time

    With our April Assessments now at an end and our Learning Review commencing, this is the time for students to hone their skills during a three-week re...

  • 26


    The Monday Briefing: A hard day's night

    Following the chaos of Centre Assessed Grades and the catastrophic effects of ‘the algorithm’ in summer 2020, and with exams being cancelled this year...

  • 19


    The Monday Briefing: I (Don't) Want To Hold Your Hand

    In the week before the Easter break, I was part of a panel holding interviews with two tremendous candidates for a teaching post. Staff turnover, in r...

  • 29


    The Monday Briefing: Girl

    A few weeks back, the Monday Briefing focused on boys, and the importance of encouraging ‘tender masculinity’ as a means of improving the development ...

  • 26


    Distinct: Edition Two (Ealing College Magazine)

    Back by popular demand! Following on from the success of Edition One of our very own College Magazine, Distinct, there has been high demand for Editio...

  • 26


    Pastoral Blog: Time to Process and Reflect

    Following the tragic case of Sarah Everard, there has never been a better time to explore the issues around “toxic masculinity”, as Allan, our Princip...

  • 22


    The Monday Briefing: I will

    In amongst the seemingly relentless Lateral Flow Testing and apparently omnipresent student agitation regarding Teacher Assessed Grades, respite has b...

  • 15


    The Monday Briefing: Boys

    Having joined the College six and a half years ago, a characteristic of the institution has always been that, in terms of the demographic of the stude...

  • 08


    The Monday Briefing: With a Little Help From My Friends

    As I was putting the finishing touches to the arrangements required for the return of students on Friday, a sense of anticipation gripped me. It took ...

  • 05


    Pastoral Blog: Advice for students with ASD ahead of their College Return

    As I write this blog post, many of our staff are involved in a big clean-up of our building and site to ensure a welcoming environment for our student...

  • 01


    The Monday Briefing: What You're Doing

    Of the few positives to have come from lockdown, the ability to reconnect with friends or family via video call stands out for me as a significant adv...

  • 25


    Azoomni: EIC Alumni Series

    It has always been important to the College to stay in touch with our former students; those who leave us often refer to the College community as a ‘s...

  • 22


    The Monday Briefing: Across the Universe

    A bitterly cold, snowy winter. A new US President inaugurated. A pervading notion around the world of the fragility of human life. In many ways, 2021 ...

  • 12


    Pastoral Blog: Turning the 'Reading Room' into a real Reading Room!

    A couple of weeks ago, we announced a new initiative for the College - setting up a small library from scratch.  I am pleased to be able to update you...

  • 08


    The Monday Briefing: Tell Me What You See

    As we reach the halfway point of the academic year, a tumultuous one admittedly, a timely review of progress is invaluable. We’ve been conducting cons...

  • 04


    DISTINCT: EIC Magazine has launched

    After weeks of preparation, planning and hard work we are delighted to announce that the first edition of 'DISTINCT' (our very own College magazine) i...

  • 01


    The Monday Briefing: Paperback writer

    Whilst many people rise to the sound of their alarms, either on clocks or mobile phones, my wife and I have our own wake-up call in the form of our tw...

  • 29


    The Pleasures of Reading - and a new initiative

    Being under lockdown for so long, people are having to be creative in finding new sources of pleasure now that shops, gyms, pubs, restaurants and even...

  • 27


    EIC Chess Tournament

    Adrian, Head of Maths, has been focusing on ways to ensuring that his form group are keeping their minds healthy and sharp while online learning.

  • 27


    Vision Teaching: Device Appeal

    Carol, our Office Manager, has been working hard this week to ensure that Vision Teaching received all our old computer devices. We have been inform...

  • 27


    Student diaries: Online learning in (another) lockdown

    As we have shifted to remote learning once again, here at Ealing Independent College we still want to ensure that we are keeping in touch with all our...

  • 25


    The Monday Briefing: Help!

    There can be little doubt that this lockdown feels an awful lot more difficult to get through than the last. Perhaps it’s because of the gloom and mis...

  • 22


    Pastoral Blog: The Challenges for SEND Students during Lockdown

    Most students find lockdown very difficult, and many feel demotivated and isolated without the face to face interaction from their peers and teachers....

  • 21


    External Candidate Success: Young Maths Whizz

    We want to say a massive congratulations to Allegra, 10, who sat her Maths exam at Ealing Independent College in October and achieved a grade 5, which...

  • 18


    The Monday Briefing: Wait

    “More is lost through indecision than wrong decision.” Recently, I’ve been watching reruns of the Sopranos on Sky Atlantic, which is not only my favou...

  • 11


    The Monday Briefing: The Word

    The enforced distance, now introduced into British society again, brings several challenges, and particularly in a school setting. It is now impossibl...

  • 08


    Pastoral Blog: Everyone needs help sometimes

    In my Year 12 assembly this week, I was very conscious of the fact that I was addressing a group of young people whose lives seem very uncertain at th...

  • 05


    The Monday Briefing: The Magical Mystery Tour

    Since the first lockdown came along, my mother has been left bereft of her favourite pastime. This generally consists of a lengthy ramble around the c...

  • 21


    Recognising Achievements: Rewards assembly recap

    The academic year of 2020-2021 has been a demanding one thus far - with the enforcement of Covid-19 restrictions following the fall out from a catastr...

  • 14


    The Monday Briefing: Christmas time (Is here again)

    As the last week of term begins, and attention turns to the Christmas break, I must confess to being somewhat of a devotee to the magic of the festive...

  • 11


    Pastoral Blog: Is it ALWAYS right to 'see things through'?

    There is certainly something to be said for seeing something through.  Society would certainly be less advanced if inventors and innovators had simply...

  • 09


    Preparing for Mock Exams at EIC

    All year groups will be taking part in mock exams next week.  This provides the students with the ideal opportunity to practise working under exam con...

  • 09


    Teacher Development: Leadership Matters

    On Tuesday of this week, the environment in college was noticeably different. Myself, along with a few other staff members, were all absent from their...

  • 08


    Student Voice: EIC Magazine Launch

    Ahead of our EIC School Magazine which is due to launch in January, we sat down with Alexandra. Alexandra is a Year 13 student who has been nominated ...

  • 07


    The Monday Briefing: When I Get Home

    As part of my transition into headship, Bellevue Education felt it important to provide me with, when needed, a mentor - to bounce ideas off, check in...

  • 30


    The Monday Briefing: Here, There and Everywhere

    Before I settled on a career in the education sector, I strongly considered going into the police force. Growing up, my favourite TV show was ‘Taggart...

  • 27


    Pastoral Blog: The Importance of Giving

    If you have been following our Twitter feed or reading our newsletters recently, you will have noticed the large number of charitable initiatives whic...

  • 26


    EIC Charity: Africa on the Ball

    One of our Year 10 students, Osman, has taken on the great role of PSHE ambassador for the College. As part of this role, he has launched a charity in...

  • 26


    UCAS Success at EIC

    With a deadline date of the 15th January, students in Year 13 still have a lot of time to make their university applications.  However, many of our st...

  • 23


    Teacher Voice: A guide to Student feedback

    Towards the end of last week, we sat down with our Head of Biology, Guillermo, who talked us through his comprehensive approach to feedback and marki...

  • 23


    The Monday Briefing: From me to you

    “Hopefully there won’t be another lockdown.” said a divorce lawyer, probably through gritted teeth. This incredible exhibition of distrust lies in sta...

  • 20


    Pastoral Blog: UCAS next steps

    We are now in the middle of the UCAS process, with students receiving interview invitations and offers. This is a very joyful time but can also be a t...

  • 17


    The Monday Briefing: We can work it out

    I’m currently reading a thought provoking book about educational leadership by David Didau called ‘Intelligent Accountability: Creating the Conditions...

  • 16


    Scholarship Winner: Student Spotlight

    Ahead of our Scholarship Competition taking place tomorrow, Tuesday 17th November, we sat down with our second Scholarship Winner, Ahmed. We asked Ahm...

  • 13


    Pastoral Blog: Why we screen all students for SEN

    At Ealing Independent College, we pride ourselves on the level of care and attention we give to each of our students, regardless of their needs. This ...

  • 09


    Our Charity Contribution at EIC

    Students at Ealing Independent College are known for their compassion and thoughtfulness and, at the same time as working hard on their academic work,...

  • 09


    The Monday Briefing: Ticket to Ride

    Monumental catastrophes like the Australian bushfires, the accidental shooting down of a Ukranian passenger plane by the Iranian regime and the deadly...

  • 06


    Looking after mental wellbeing in a Covid world

    All you all know, today is the first day in yet another lockdown.  The first lockdown felt so strange, with everyone trying to adjust to a way of stud...

  • 06


    Scholarship Winner: My Experience

    In the run up to our Scholarship Competition on Tuesday 17th November, we took some time out to talk to one of our previous Scholarship winners, Namit...

  • 03


    Teacher Development: A Guide To Reflection

    Now the first Half Term is completed, with the last few months causing challenges in several ways, it is with even more gratification that we look upo...

  • 02


    The Monday Briefing: All Things Must Pass

    I’ve always thought that this is the most difficult half of the most difficult term for students. They often leave their homes to get here when dawn h...

  • 23


    Pastoral Blog: Making the most of the Half-Term Holiday

    The first half of the Autumn term is a long and tiring time period for students in schools everywhere. An eight week half term can seem like a very lo...

  • 19


    The Monday Briefing: Do you want to know a Secret?

    Best-kept secret - ‘Something that is known to very few people. Used especially with reference to something very good or desirable that is not general...

  • 16


    Pastoral Care: The importance of assemblies

    If you mention the word “assembly” to a class of students in any school, you are bound to hear at least a few grumbles and groans.  Throughout my care...

  • 16


    Student Voice: Life beyond the Classroom

    This week we sat down with one of our New Joiner's in Year 12, Jinwoo, who is part of the Brentford Under 19's FC. We caught up about his experience a...

  • 13


    Guidance and Development at EIC

    Careers Guidance at EIC Did you know that EIC offers personalised, on-site careers guidance? It is a legal requirement that all schools must of...

  • 12


    The Monday Briefing: Come Together

    It is with a great degree of pride that I can say that Ealing Independent College isn’t under threat - and I can say this because we are part of a ‘pa...

  • 09


    Pastoral Blog: Will my child fit into a private college?

    Will my child fit into a private college? Private schools and colleges are rarefied places where all of the students wear designer clothes and hav...

  • 09


    Student Voice: My Remote Learning Experience

    We sat down at the start of term with one of our New Joiners in Year 10, Noradeen, to find out more about his experience of starting The College as a ...

  • 05


    The Monday Briefing: What Goes On

    I spoke in the assemblies this week with all students about the fact that we’d come to the end of September, and that this made a perfect opportunity ...

  • 02


    Pastoral Blog: The Importance of Student Voice

    One of my current areas of focus at EIC is to develop the use of student voice. The idea of really listening to the student voice can sometimes seem s...

  • 02


    Student Voice: Recognising Achievements

    Following on from her nomination for the ISA Whitbread Memorial Prize, for outstanding involvement in, and service to, wider aspects of school and com...

  • 30


    The importance of extra-curricular activities at EIC

    At Ealing Independent College we believe that clubs and activities are a great way for our students to not only enhance their skills doing something t...

  • 30


    Introducing our new Head of Science

    As the school year drew to a close our new Principal, Allan Cairns, called a meeting to discuss the future direction of the school and our vision of w...

  • 30


    The launch of the Social Inequalities Debate Club

    Manira Hassan and I decided to start a debate club surrounding social inequalities such as racism, sexism, homophobia, mental health and so on, as we ...

  • 30


    Commitment to teacher development

    At Ealing Independent College, we have ambitious goals for the year ahead to create a deep learning culture not only among our students but also among...

  • 28


    The Monday Briefing: Run for your life

    The perfect way for me to use the time was to dedicate my free time to running. When I was younger, I saw running as a necessary evil. Something I’d d...

  • 28


    Introducing the Dr. Ian Moores Scholarship

    It gives us great pleasure to announce the launch of our scholarship competition for this academic year - which will be held on the 17th of November 2...

  • 25


    Pastoral Blog: Lifelong Learning

    As human beings, we have the ability to constantly grow and develop.  It is now well-known that trying new things trains the brain to produce new neur...

  • 21


    The Monday Briefing: Back in the (classroom teaching about the) USSR

    Should a Principal be teaching in a school or college? Different schools have different approaches in answering this question. Looking back th...

  • 18


    Pastoral Blog: The start of something new

    Autumn has always been my favourite season.  While others are lamenting the passing of Summer and the drawing in of the nights, as someone who has wor...

  • 14


    The Monday Briefing: Getting Better

    In the lead up to a new academic year, it is extremely important for schools and colleges to clarify a roadmap for improvement - a vision and developm...

  • 07


    The Monday Briefing: Get back (to the College)

    Anyone reading the Guardian article entitled ‘I do not see a single student wash their hands: teacher’s diary of the first week back at school’ would ...

  • 01


    The Monday Briefing: Hello, Goodbye

    This time of the year is bittersweet at the College. Some of the students in our GCSE cohort move on to pastures new, and we have to bid them farewell...

  • 24


    The Monday Briefing: A day in the life (of a Principal)

    Today marks the start of something new. Our Principal, Allan Cairns, officially starts The Monday Briefing for EIC. A weekly blog focused on different...

  • 20


    Moving beyond a chaotic exams process to the challenge of A Level

    In a year where there will be no school performance league tables, and that many observers have remarked that the cohort this year will forever have a...

  • 13


    Forging a path for students through a complicated and confusing process

    Awaiting A Level results tends to bring mixed emotions and nervousness amongst students any year, but this year it has been a particularly anxious tim...

  • 08


    Students and Staff at EIC implement Charter against Racism

    Led by Alexandra, Year 12 Student, and Allan Cairns, Principal, EIC have implemented a new Charter against Racism in which every single person will be...

  • 17


    Ealing Independent College during the Coronavirus: Chasing Normality

    During the period of school closures, it was vital for Ealing Independent College to react quickly and move the physical learning in the classroom to ...

  • 12


    Student Voice: The power of the EIC community during the period of remote learning

    From United Kingdom to India, the power of the EIC remote learning community has expanded far and wide during the period of school closures. Find out ...

  • 02


    Introducing our new Vice Principal from September 2020

    Ealing Independent College are pleased to introduce our new Vice Principal for September 2020, Laura Bellerby. Find out more about Laura in our recent...

  • 01


    Student Voice: Making the move to remote learning at Ealing Independent College

    Making the move temporarily to remote learning during the period of school closures was hard work for both staff and pupils at Ealing Independent Coll...

  • 24


    Ealing Independent College consistently securing academic progress

    On 23 January 2020, the Department of Education published the A-Level performance of schools across England. Ealing Independent College remains amongs...

  • 24


    Principal's Blog: Take control of your future

    At Ealing Independent College, we believe that the guidance and support we offer our students through the process of choosing their field of study and...

  • 22


    Introducing our new Principal from September 2020

    From September 2020, we are pleased to announce the appointment of our new Principal, Allan Cairns. A friendly face here Ealing College after joining ...

  • 22


    EIC Photography students visit the National Portrait Gallery

    As part of the Ealing Independent College Photography curriculum, students are required to visit Photography exhibitions to conduct primary research i...

  • 27


    Student Voice: An interview with a first time voter in the General Election

    ​​​​​​​Here at Ealing Independent College, we encourage our students to have a voice. Here is an interview with one of our Year 13 students on her fir...

  • 27


    Beyond the classroom: The importance of extra-curricular activities

    At Ealing Independent College, we like to give our students plenty of opportunities inside and outside of the classroom. One of these opportunities is...

  • 27


    Student Voice: The impacts of the General Election on education

    The General Election. Thursday 12th of December 2019. “Have you registered to vote?” – a phrase quite frequently heard amongst people these days. Howe...

  • 27


    GCSE Students help those in need with Ealing Food Bank

    The Year 10 students here at Ealing Independent College decided that they would like to do something for those in need in the local community during t...

  • 26


    Principal's Blog: Encouraging students to aim high

    After a busy and successful start to the year, I have now found some time to reflect on what has been going on.  The term began with our first focused...

  • 30


    UCAS Update: How to make your personal statement stand out

    Find out how to make your personal statement stand out from the rest with this advice from Ealing Independent College.

  • 30


    EIC Resources: Creating the perfect study sanctuary 

    Find out more about how you can create the perfect study sanctuary at home with these tips from Ealing Independent College. 

  • 23


    EIC celebrates another year of outstanding GCSE results

    Moving from strength to strength, this year’s GCSE results have surpassed expectations at the College, with almost 87% of all GCSEs sat across our yea...

  • 06


    From GCSE and A Level Results to Securing a University Place: Take Control of Your Future

    With an exceptional A-level Progress Score that no other West London colleges can beat and strong links to top universities in London and across the c...

  • 13


    Old habits die hard in successful alumni match

    Ealing Independent College 2015-2016 3-1 Ealing Independent College 2016-2017 Teams (2015-2016): Azim, Seb, Krystian, Jamie, Evan Teams (2016-20...

  • 06


    College students dazzle at AWA Awards

    As a reward for their exceptionally hard work, Alishba, Balgees, Lina and Thanusree were chosen by the college to attend as Ms Hothi’s guests ...

  • 13


    Supporting the local community

    Community engagement and volunteering are fundamental for the College's Charities Society. Lead by Sarah Chua, the society President, they have ...

  • 28


    Engineering Competition

    Ealing Independent College is keen to address a very serious, and current issue – millions of people are living without water, toilets and hyg...

  • 28


    EIC visits MIT

    Students form Ealing Independent College had the pleasure of attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Model United Nations Conference (MI...

  • 03


    A.I.M - Our approach in supporting students in the run up to exams

    The examination period is a difficult time for both staff and students. While a feeling of too much to revise in too little time can often drive stu...

  • 28


    Amongst the top 5% in helping students improve their grades

    On 24 January 2019 the Department of Education published the A-Level performance of schools across England. Ealing Independent College is proud to a...

  • 16


    Spirited performance brings encouraging signs in defeat

    League match – 15th January 2019 Ealing Independent College 0-3 DLD College Team: Abdullah, James, Nimr, Dominic; Abu, Selyan; Sabaoon, Aqeel (B...

  • 07


    Scholarship Competition 2019

    Ealing Independent College is delighted to announce their Scholarship Competition 2019.It is part of the on going commitment Ealing Independent Coll...

  • 02


    Ealing student performs Christmas concert in Poland

    Whilst many students were catching up with family, enjoying some festive movies or perhaps gorging on too many mince pies, our GCSE Intensive studen...

  • 21


    Economics students glean valuable insight from recent conference

    Students from our year 13 Economics group attended the recent Tutor2u Economics Strong Foundations one day revision course on the 27th November. S...

  • 07


    College fundraising donations valued by local community

    Through bake sales and foodbank donations, the students at the College have made some valuable contributions to the Ealing Foodbank, our designated ...

  • 05


    Goals galore as somehow Ealing allow another game to slip from their grasp

    League match – 4 Dec 2018 Ealing Independent College 5-6 CATS College Team: Abdullah; Nimr (Sanj), Fraser, Dominic; Abu, Selyan, Brent; Ronaldo;...

  • 28


    Abject Ealing overpowered by MPW

    League match – 27 Nov 2018 Ealing Independent College 0-4 MPW College Team: Abdullah; James (Fraser), Nimr, Dominic (Sanj); Selyan (Sabaoon), Ab...

  • 27


    Runners continue apace despite injury and cold weather

    As the weather has turned colder, numbers have held firm in the running club on a Wednesday afternoon. It was great to see Becky and Pejman back a...

  • 21


    Brave Ealing denied at the last by Ashbourne

    League match – 20 Nov 2018 Ealing Independent College 0-1 Ashbourne College Team: Abdullah; James, Nimr, Dominic (Aqeel); Selyan (Fraser), Brent...

  • 21


    Series of spiritual assemblies begins with Father Jack Noble’s presentation on the Church of England

    The students at Ealing Independent College were delighted to receive an insightful and thought provoking assembly today from Father Jack Noble, prie...

  • 16


    Running Club displays excellent endurance

    Another week, and another 4k under the belts of the runners. Ronaldo continues to lead the way - an absolute speedster! Special praise for Ed this...

  • 16


    Rupa Huq, MP for Ealing Central and Acton visits the College for Parliament week

    As part of UK Parliament Week 2018, Ealing Independent College was delighted to host Dr Rupa Huq, MP for Ealing Central and Acton speaking to A-Leve...

  • 14


    Students given timely assembly on ‘The Stigma of Suicide’

    Celebrated British Punjabi author Kalwinder Singh Dhindsa, pictured above with Senior Teacher Dr Elizabeth Coombes, gave a personal talk to our stud...

  • 12


    Ealing student Shadae stars in poignant play

    GCSE Intensive student Shadae (furthest right), who has been volunteering for the charity Nomad since July 2018, performed a leading role in the per...

  • 12


    Ealing alumni Abdulaziz making his mark

    Former student Abdulaziz, at Ealing from 2015-2017, has been busily providing political comment on some important world issues, namely the controver...

  • 07


    Runners smash 4k barrier on drizzly afternoon

    With pace-setter Ronaldo out in front, and Vice Principal Allan Cairns not far behind, the run club continued apace this afternoon. Bounding throu...

  • 08


    Alumni Profile: Ali Al Sibahi

    At Ealing Independent College we take great pride in the support we provide in helping students reach their goals and fulfil their true potential. E...

  • 09


    Alumni Profile: From EIC to Cambridge University

    As part of our series of alumni profiles, we are delighted to share this piece written by Vivek Badiani, who left the College in 2013 after achievin...

  • 02


    Inspiring a love of reading and writing

    Claire Greenwood joined EIC as Head of English in January 2018 with over twenty years experience teaching in independent day schools, boarding schoo...

  • 10


    End of Year Celebrations

    On Friday 25 May 2018, Year 13 students and their parents were invited to an end of year drinks event at the College. The event was a welcome break ...

  • 04


    A Visit to Oxford University

    When June arrives at Ealing Independent College it’s that time of the year again, where scarves have been swapped for glasses of the tinted va...

  • 04


    Looking back at my four years at Ealing Independent College

    As she is about to embark on her first year of reading Medicine at St George's University of London, Haya shares her thoughts on her four years ...

  • 30


    Careers fair

    On the 12 June, New London Architecture hosted a special careers event, giving our students an exclusive preview of the London Real Estate Forum (LR...

  • 29


    UCAS Week

    The sun was shining end of June as our Year 12s were spared the pressure of public examinations, but instead focused their minds on the next stage o...

  • 03


    Teaching the Individual

    "My child is very happy studying at Ealing Independent College. The classes are small and the tutors are truly interested in the students. It f...

  • 01


    Changes to GCSE and A Levels: What it means

    As the first exam results are about to be announced following the reforms to GCSE and A Level examinations, Principal of Ealing Independent College,...

  • 04


    My GCSE Student Journey

    The moment that I was told that I was accepted to the College, I felt the rush of blood inside me, almost like I was climbing a mountain as fast as ...

  • 01


    Learning Effectively in a Comfortable Environment

    In a recent student survey conducted at Ealing Independent College, 90% of students agree or strongly agree that their teachers really care about th...

  • 05


    EIC students participate in the MIT Model United Nations Conference 2018

    Over the weekend of February 9 to 11, a delegation of Ealing Independent College students, along with the Director of Studies, made their way across...

  • 01


    Principal's Blog: Creating the Perfect Learning Environment

    Another new term and new academic year is underway! Finally, almost all the teaching in the school is now on the new specifications: – the new...

  • 01


    LOVE IT: A-Level and GCSE Revision Advice

    As the summer term has started, the focus has inevitably shifted to the end of academic year exams, which loom for students at the College. Prior to...

  • 23


    My experience at the Boston MIT Model United Nations

    On the 7th of February, my two schoolmates and I, along with our teacher, Allan, went off to Boston, Massachusetts for the MITMUNC conference held ...

  • 16


    International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    The Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT) has been working on empowering women in science through education, employment and recogniti...

  • 18


    Dfe Results 2017: EIC produces consistently strong exam results

    On 25 January 2018 the Department of Education published the GCSE and A-Level performance of schools across England, and we are delighted to share t...

  • 21


    Prize giving and end of term assembly - December 2017

    The end to a successful term was celebrated through a prize giving assembly awarding the hard work our students have put into their course work. We ...

  • 23


    University Talks: Visit from King's College

    As the final session in our programme of University Visits this term we were lucky enough to have the lovely Rachael from King's College London ...

  • 08


    EIC Student Council elected for 2017 - 2018

    At EIC, students are encouraged to take an active part in the life of the College. Each year a student council is elected with representatives for e...

  • 01


    China Trip: From Beijing to Shanghai in 30 days

    First Stop Beijing Departing Heathrow in the early afternoon of July 1st, with parents looking on with glee (or perhaps worrying a little) at the pr...

  • 01


    Arina from Russia: Preparing for a Career in Finance

    I originally came to the UK to do the GCSE programme at a school outside of Bristol, and once I had completed that I went to a College in Oxford to ...

  • 11


    Retaking GCSEs or A-Levels: Guidance for Success

    As we approach the beginning of the next academic year, Allan Cairns, our Principal, shares his advice on key things to consider for those still deb...

  • 25


    Prize winning students in the National Cipher Challenge

    Congratulations to Mohamed, Adil and Tri who with the support of Ms. Harrison, made it to the final stage of the University of Southampton National ...

  • 24


    UCL Visit to Ealing Independent College

    Yesterday, Thursday 12 November, Dr Sarah Hutton of UCL visited Ealing Independent College to speak about the Sciences at UCL and what it could offe...

  • 23


    Medical Science Society: Interesting talk on Alzheimer

    As part of the College's Biomedical Society Serafina, one of our year 11 students gave an extremely interesting talk on the causes and symptoms ...

  • 08


    Excellent initiative by Dr Liz Chare gains local attention

    Dr Liz Chare, Head of Science and newly appointed Vice Principal, has been going the extra mile to support her students, as she is joining them in s...