
04 July 2018

Looking back at my four years at Ealing Independent College

Looking back at my four years at Ealing Independent College

As she is about to embark on her first year of reading Medicine at St George's University of London, Haya shares her thoughts on her four years at Ealing Independent College:

I lacked confidence before I came to Ealing Independent College, but the welcoming atmosphere and devoted teachers helped me overcome that and realise what I am capable of. As a result, I am more comfortable in my own skin and no longer afraid of the challenges life may throw. EIC has taught me how to be a leader, how to work in a team, how to manage my time and how to contribute positively to the community by giving me the opportunity to run my own Biomedical Society. It allowed me to develop my public speaking skills and spread my medical knowledge to the next generation. The friends I made at EIC made my time all the more fun and I still keep in contact with the ones I grew close to. Being a fan of football, I was able to go to matches between EIC and other independent colleges, support my friends on the team and get involved in the excitement that came with winning the West London College Football League. The teaching was always at a high standard, and the small class sizes meant that I would get a lot of support if I did not understand something and made it easier for the teachers to go over the fine details that are required to achieve an A*. It also meant there was friendly competition between friends to do better. The teachers not only supported me academically but also personally and I was comfortable enough to seek advice whenever I needed it. I received much support from Dr. Chare (Vice Principal, Pastoral) on my UCAS application and to secure a place at my chosen university. I cannot wait to be able to go to university and apply the skills I have learned at EIC, though I will miss the staff and students and the homey atmosphere that I have enjoyed for 4 years. 

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