
01 August 2017

Arina from Russia: Preparing for a Career in Finance

Arina from Russia: Preparing for a Career in Finance

I originally came to the UK to do the GCSE programme at a school outside of Bristol, and once I had completed that I went to a College in Oxford to do my A-Levels. However, after the first term there I decided to move to London as I found Oxford a bit limiting. London has so many more opportunities and I also want to go to university in London after completing my A-Levels, so it just made sense. I absolutely love living in London, and I have pretty much been to every single museum there is here! 

The reason why I chose to come to Ealing Independent College when I moved to London is first of all because of its excellent results and teaching, but also because it felt more like a College where I would be treated like an adult in comparison to more traditional boarding schools outside of London. The College provides me with the independent setting that I need, because I am quite independent as a person. For me it’s also not just about the reputation of a college or school, but the students and its atmosphere - and I really liked this at Ealing Independent College. It felt like a place of study where students all want to learn and the relationship between teachers and students is very friendly. I also like that Ealing is close to Heathrow because I do travel back to Moscow a bit throughout the year. Ealing is also a really nice area to be living in, and Ealing Broadway Station is quite convenient as it is quick and easy to get into Central London. 

After I complete my A-Levels, I have plans to go to UCL and do a joint degree in Maths and Economics as I want to work in Finance. I really feel that the support and guidance I have been provided with at the College has prepared me for this. Independent study is encouraged, but the teachers are always available and ready to help if you have any questions. Because of the small class sizes we do really get a lot of feedback and help to ensure that we reach our target grades. The personal tutor is also quite important, and I am really happy with the regular meetings I have with my personal tutor Geoff (Dr Geoff Higginson, Head of Maths). He has been really encouraging and helped me a lot in making my decisions for future university and career path. 

Arina (Year 13) from Russia

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