Ryan’s A Level Success

a level exams

Joining us in Year 12 for A Levels, Ryan speaks with our Principal on how he found his time at Ealing Independent College and what he’s looking forward to next on his journey.


1) Describe your educational experiences before you came to EIC. When did you join – in what year group were you?

I joined the college in year 12. Having just completed my (I)GCSEs, I felt that I needed a change. My previous school was a very academically focused environment which ignored student well-being so I was burnt-out. 


2) Describe your educational attitude before you came to EIC. What were you hoping for when you joined the College?

I was always very focused on studying as I have very high aspirations for the future. When I joined the College I was hoping that I could find a place that would support me academically but not to the extent where good marks are presented as the sole importance in life. Instead I found that while teachers definitely strived to help me achieve the highest I could, the College emphasised more the importance of balanced overall with a focus both on studying but also attendance and overall behaviour. 


3) How did life at Ealing Independent College differ from what you had previously experienced?

EIC is a more relaxed environment than what I experienced previously. The teachers completely supported me throughout my studies while also emphasising the importance of having a balance between relaxing and studying rather than only being focused on academics.


4) Explain how the staff at Ealing helped you through the UCAS process.

Towards the end of year 12 we had some workshops on the UCAS process where we were told about how to write a personal statement and given some examples of personal statements. We also had some assemblies regarding student finance and how to select our universities. 


5) Have there been any times over the last three years that you’ve found particularly difficult or challenging? How did you get through them?

I think the most challenging thing was waiting for results. There was nothing to do but wait as I couldn’t do anything to change the time it would take for them to come out. 


6) What were you hoping for when results come? What are you planning to do next?

I prepared myself for the lowest possible results so I wouldn’t be shocked. I had great universities as both firm and insurance choices as well as a great university in France as choices so I was secure that no matter the results I would be able to go to a university that I wanted. I am now preparing for the University of Edinburgh, Law School.


7) Outside of lessons and learning, how have you contributed to life at the College?

During my time at the College I participated in many activities. For example, in the Modern Languages Department I volunteered to be a mentor for younger students who were studying for their French or Spanish GCSEs and practice speaking with them. Moreover in year 13, I was in the student leadership, coordinating with one of the teachers to improve teaching and learning across all lessons. We created questionnaires at the beginning and the end of the year to see whether the teaching and learning had indeed improved. The focus was on encouraging students to ask more questions as they are the key to learning. In addition, I was the editor of the school magazine during year 13, encouraging students to express their creative side or personality in any way they wished.


8) Do you have any particular memories in terms of a ‘breakthrough’ while you were here? What particular thing made you change/become more focused?

As I have always been self-driven I don’t think I have ever had a “breakthrough” rather I have been consistently focused with slight variations due to outside factors. 


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