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GCSE Retakes

GCSE results day can be very daunting for GCSE Students. Our intensive GCSE course has enjoyed tremendous success with students who have worked hard to improve their GCSE grades.

Without good GCSE grades, individuals may find their options limited:

  • They will not be able to access A Level courses
  • They may not be able to gain entry to College courses
  • When it later comes to applying for university, they may not meet the requirements

How Can EIC help improve your grades

Ealing Independent College offers a perfect environment for students who have had difficulties fulfilling their potential at GCSE level. We provide personalised support in small class settings to help each student succeed. We quickly identify weaknesses and implement interventions to help maximise student performance from an early stage. Supporting every step of the way.

The College provides the chance for a fresh start.

  • When students opt to retake GCSEs, they enjoy a fresh approach to teaching and learning. With smaller class sizes, they receive more one-on-one time with teachers.
  • Students enjoy an environment geared entirely towards academic development and self-empowerment in supportive surroundings.
  • Parents are offered a far more inclusive partnership at Ealing.

At Ealing, it is very difficult not to get swept away in the rigorous culture of the College. The friendliness and openness at EIC is all-encompassing. Students settle, grow and move forward with startling ease.

Speak with our friendly team today to discuss your options.

Can you resit GCSEs at the College?

Yes you can resit GSCE exams. Naturally, you will improve second time around, but with tailored and targeted support, the grade enhancements can become life-changing.

Students who retake the GCSEs will have more options and feel confident when progressing to A Levels or a College course. Those just resitting exams without taking the GSCE course can do so as private candidates at our center.

Will resitting GCSEs put me at a disadvantage?

No. The new grades you receive will simply replace the ones you have if they are higher, and there is no stigma with resitting. In the UK, many students choose to take an additional year to ensure their success. It’s better to be happy with your GCSE results and feel motivated, and confident as you progress to the next stage of education, rather than rushing ahead with knowledge gaps or weaknesses.

Ealing Broadway transport links

In zone 3, the Central, District, and Elizabeth lines provide excellent transportation links to the college. Buses link South Ealing, Greenford, Hanger Lane, Harlesden, Park Royal, Dollis Hill, Cricklewood, Brent Cross, and many other areas.

GCSE resits subjects at our West London College:

  • Resit GCSE English
  • Resit GCSE Maths
  • Resit Science GCSEs (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) as Single, Double or Triple Science
  • Resit History or Geography GCSE
  • Resit French or Spanish GCSE
  • Resit Business or Computer Science GCSE

Listen to a few recent GCSE resit Success stories at the College on Spotify

Many students have gone on to succeed and continue their studies. Here are a few recent examples.

Balgees's GSCE Retake Success Story

Abdulaziz's GSCE Retake Success Story

Evan Davies GSCE Retake Success Story

Riyal's GSCE Retake Success Story

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