A Level Resits – Michelle’s Journey

““If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick those pieces up and start again.” Flavia Weedn

A Level results day can be a momentous one for students at school or college, where well-planned pathways can be affirmed, delayed or possibly abandoned completely. Failed A Levels? Don’t panic, it is not the end of the road.

Within such a shifting environment, it makes no sense to rush into a rash decision on the day. Time should be taken to consider options, to seek advice, and to proceed only when one feels that the right path has been chosen.

A goal which has been worked towards for years should not be abandoned lightly just because results don’t allow passage to it – one can always take another run at it. Retaking is always an option.

It is, of course, vital that the second run at the goal is taken with a newer, better approach. One can’t expect miraculous improvement with the same efforts, the same methods, the same guidance and support.

Didn’t get the grades or the entry requirements you needed? Seeking out experienced counsel to plot a second attempt is key – and several students have benefitted from such an approach at Ealing Independent College, which offers a specialised A Level Intensive course aimed at those seeking to retake.

An excellent example of what can be achieved when one follows a mature and measured approach when retaking A Levels.

Michelle had always planned on a career and undertaking a university course in veterinary science, but her A Level results from a local state school, D grades in Biology and Philosophy and an E grade in Chemistry, precluded her from entertaining a serious application. One year of intensive A Levels at the College, and those grades had become AAC. From there, it all became possible, and seven years later, she is enjoying rotations at the Royal Veterinary College.

Making the best of a focused, collaborative learning environment more conducive to progress:

“There’s a point where there are too many in the class, and there’s a point where there is too little – and Ealing is just perfect. You can form real bonds, and you are never overshadowed. You never feel like ‘just a number’”

Making the best of an environment that promotes success:

“You are paid attention to, looked after and supported.By teachers and by fellow students – sharing ideas, and helping each other to improve.”

Knowing that it starts with why, then the answers to how, what, where and when comes.

“I knew what I wanted to do, and I knew I wanted to work hard. The teachers helped build confidence to make sure my hard work led to good results. It was very refreshing, and gave me hope again.”

There are lots of different ways to get the best from yourself, and being adaptable helps:

“Time management and how to organise myself if I’m serious about doing well – I’d always had a good system, but Ealing taught me that you can improve your system, adjust your system, to be flexible with your system – to always strive to make it better. It’s seriously paid off with the approach I took at university and now in veterinary college – because you have to keep changing your approach.”

There is no stigma to retaking – whether it is your first or third attempt, the goal remains the same:

“Whether you are 18, 19 or 21, everyone is faced with the same challenge – to do the best they can in the A Level they are taking. Learn what makes your heart beat, don’t listen to outside noise, and take the opportunity with both hands.”

Listen to the full episode of the podcast here, where she explains the transformative nature of the College, her work experience as a lab technician with the College, as well as an incredible month-long excursion in China, which the College organised in 2017.

Speak to us today about resitting your A Levels, or are you worried about what to do if you fail your A Levels? Ealing Independent College is here to help with plenty of options to help you gain the results you deserve. We’ve supported thousands of students to achieve their grades. “