Ms Laura Bellerby

Laura is the Vice Principal of the College, and her role focuses on the pastoral wellbeing of the students. She is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and the SENCO, and she also leads on the university admissions process. In addition, she supports Allan with anything else that may need to be done in order to ensure that the College provides the best possible environment for both students and staff.

Laura studied Business Management at University before completing a PGCE, and she is currently studying for her National SENCO Award by distance learning. She has been teaching for eighteen years and has a wealth of experience in both pastoral and academic leadership. She also has extensive experience as a governor in state schools. Her most recent role prior to joining the College in September 2020 was as an Assistant Head in an independent school. Laura is committed to achieving the very best outcomes for each student, regardless of their starting point.

Laura teaches Economics and Business Studies in the College and works with the students to run Student Council.

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