
09 March 2022

EIC Football Team is back!

EIC Football Team is back!

Over the past couple of years, the various lockdowns we have been through have stopped our football team from playing against other Colleges and Independent Schools. However, with the loosening of restrictions, the EIC Football Team is back

Ahead of three football matches coming up in March, we interviewed Alaan, the Captain of the team. 

Alaan, you have been working closely with the Principal in the past couple of months to bring together a whole new team for EIC.

How did you recruit players? 

I was looking for passionate, committed, and talented players that were hardworking and had the right mindset, in order to put together the new team. Showing the willingness to commit to the team was the main criteria for us; it mattered more than having the talent. We believe that the technique can be taught but having the right attitude is up to the individuals. 

Age does not matter either. It’s not only a Sixth Form Team, but the players are from all different age groups across the College.

Allan, the principal, mentioned that there are some games coming up for our EIC football team.  The first three friendly games are in March. Who are you playing against? Is the team prepared for them?

We are playing against Collingham, MPW and David Game College - three similarly sized colleges from different parts of London. The first game is on the 16th of March, and we’re all very excited about it!

Great, thanks Alaan. We will make sure we follow the games closely and update the College on how the team performs! 

Let me ask a little bit more about yourself. Do you play football outside of school?

Yes, I have been playing for a local club for a long time. I used to play Sunday League football, but I started to drop out of it towards the end of last year. However, I make sure to practice and play with them at least once a week now. 

Were you part of the old football team that Ealing Independent College had just before the lockdown?

No, most of the players this year are new. In a way, this is exciting as we are building the team from scratch. 

As a captain, how do you motivate your team?

I like to give a speech to the team to get them excited before a match. However, it must be said that I do believe the team really want to do well themselves. We want a chance to show people who we are.

How often does the EIC football team train? 

We meet up every Friday after lessons and we train together for an hour at least. These training sessions are very much our initiative. I am always there and, as Captain, I organise all the training sessions for my team.

Do you feel confident about these three games coming up in March?

I definitely am. However, I do really hope that we will be able to win the first game, so that the first victory will automatically motivate the team to keep doing our best for the other games. The College has a good tradition of doing well, and it’s nice to see the trophies we’ve won in the past, which are in reception, along with a large picture of one of the former players, Ronaldo, who has gone on to play international football for Antigua and Barbuda.

Can you tell me what you believe to be the team’s main strength and weakness?

I will start with the team’s weakness; not all the players have the same technique or level of ability. Thus, there are some players that would need a little bit more preparation and practice than others. However, the team strength’s is definitely our commitment. With the right mindset, players will do well. I firmly believe that with hard work we can achieve anything. 

We thank Alaan for attending the interview with us and a massive good luck to the new EIC football team for the March games! 

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